'Plaint of the Playwright

'Plaint of the Playwright

[ Friday, October 29, 2004 ]

As promised, some new Bush/Cheney printable stickers.

Oh, and for god's sake, do not actually PRINT THESE UP AND POST THEM AROUND YOUR TOWN.

That would be wrong.


That said, legally, I can now continue.


And, my personal favorite:

In the words of Bob Godthwaite, it's quite obvious that I'm not looking for corporate sponsorship.

Vote, people. Vote like the WIND.

posted by Rob on 11:20 PM | link
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[ Thursday, October 28, 2004 ]

So I went to the Kerry rally today. That's my roommate, Sam, and his son, Gavin. We stuck around through Bruce Springsteen, but had to leave before seeing Kerry. No that we would have---neither one of us could see anything because of the huge amount of people there:

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. It was pretty cool.

There were a few Bush supporters there, just outside the main area:

See, they're dressed like flip-flops.

I guess that's clever.

I guess.

They seemed happy and confident until Billionaires For Bush joined them:

It's hard to read the banner behind them, but it reads:

Billionaires For Bush: Because we're all in this together, sort of.

Well, the Bush group got pissed at this, and started to shout at the Billionaires: "But Teresa Heinz-Kerry is one of the richest women in the world!!!"

And then chanting: "FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!"

Which led to the crowd around them chanting:


Which led to one of the billionaires ("Billionaire's Commander of Black Ops Alan Greenspend," I think) starting a THIRD CHANT:


The cop who had to stand in front of the Bush supporters looked amused at that.

I asked him where to go if I had a white ticket, and he pointed me ahead, past the banner that said "Wisconsin Is Kerry Country."

It occured to me last night that it was amazing to be able to be there, amongst all these other supporters of Kerry. Part of me wanted to also be able to go to a Bush Rally, just to hear both sides, but then I realized that I'd have to sign a loyalty oath. That alone should push you in Kerry direction.

Oh, I know, the South Carolina Dems did it, too, any conservative will tell you.

(Some of the hardcore right-wingers will somehow tell you that without acknowledging that Bush did it first.)

But it's worth pointing out that the reports of the "Democratic Loyalty Oath" were greatly exaggerated and as it turns, they didn't do it anyway.

Personally, after looking at this picture, I'm ready to vote for SAM:

What I took away from it all was something I hadn't expected. As hokey as the whole thing was, it was nice to be able to look around and see the hope that things could be made better, and that we all could be a part of it.

As I looked up at the American flag we were standing under, I felt something I wasn't expecting.


And then I thought: Oh, wow. SO that's what it feels like.

posted by Rob on 2:12 PM | link
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[ Wednesday, October 27, 2004 ]

I got this from Parkway Rest Stop, the weblog of Jimmy Flynn, friend of my dad's, and according to my mom, one hell of a drummer. (Be warned, fellow liberals, he's quite the conservative--but also very funny.)

You preferred Kerry's statements 89% of the time
You preferred Bush's statements 11% of the time

Voting purely on the issues you should vote Kerry

Who would you vote for if you voted on the issues?

Find out now!

At first I thought this was a set-up, but this was my result. Now, keep in mind, the questions they ask are based on the public statements made by Kerry and Bush, under the assumption that neither side is lying. This is only to check to see if you really do agree with them on the major issues.

So, last week, one of my co-workers walks in, saying, "Okay, now that I've seen all three of the presidential debates, I am totally voting for Bush."

After a moment, I asked him why.

"Because Kerry was just making an ass of himself!"

I asked him what cable service he subscribes to.


Because I wanna know who offers the BIZZARO UNIVERSE CHANNEL, because that's obviously where you saw the debates from.

He went on to say that Bush kept making jokes and Kerry was being a dick for not laughing at them.

You know, I have no fucking patience anymore. I really don't. If you're so fuckin' dumb that you're voting for Bush, you're too fuckin' dumb to know when you're being insulted.

And I realize that liberals have gotten uglier and meaner, lately, and if you need to know why, this is why: You can't explain to people like this that Bush is a liar who reverses his position when neccessary, has no diplomatic skills, runs the most corrupt administration since Warren Fucking Harding, and seems to subscribe to a belief system that's inspired from Nixon's If-the-President-does-something-it-can't-be-illegal theory.

You can't even explain things that we were all there for, like Richard Clarke's testimony to the 9/11 commission--in fact, it's like Clarke never even existed. He blew the lid off of the biggest anti-terrorist intelligence fuck-up in U.S. history, and no one cares.

I know people who are planning on voting for Bush on the grounds that he's a Christian.

Okay. I can respect that.

However, if you are a Christian, and reading this, I pray (I really do, too) that you consider this come election day:

Surely you must know someone in your church that is a HUGE fuck-up. Surely you must.

Aha! Your mind betrays you--I bet you're thinking of that one person right now.

Now, this person isn't a bad person. But if he asked to borrow your car, you'd...well...you'd hesitate, wouldn't you? And if you did lend it to him, and he wrecked it, you'd probably try and find a way to get him back home, right? Even if he trashed your car? I mean, it's half your fault anyway for trusting it to him, right?

Okay. Same principal here.

Maybe Bush is actually a nice guy--I suspect he isn't, but that's not important--what those people who support Bush like about him is that they feel he relates to the American public like he's one of their friends.

So think of it this way:

Your friend is in WAY over his head. Some of that's your fault, some of that's my fault, some of that's our fault, and some of that's his fault. None of that matters now.

What does matter is that he's just not good at his job, and that he should probably sit the rest of this decade out.

Don't feel bad for him. He'll be well taken care of. His father survived just fine, and hell, if he's not president any more, why, he really will be like one of us!

(Special thanks to Kathy Sliter for coming up with the above bit.)

Okay, back to being ornery.

Please don't tell me that only Bush could have caught Saddam Hussein. I think that if this administration has proven anything, it's that anything they can accomplish was not very difficult in the first place. I mean, if we wanted, we could probably catch a lot of dictators, too. They're sorta public.

And if you're one of those miserable fucking fools who's refusing to vote? Not the undecideds, I mean, the clueless dolts who are refusing on general principal, because "Kerry and Bush are identical in every single way?"

Shut up. Seriously. Shut the fuck up.

And if you're not using that vote, then can I have it?


Why? You said it doesn't matter, anyway.

Yeah, okay, shut your fucking hole.

Because this is the goddamn system, and it's not like it's new. I may be a Bush-hater, but that doesn't mean I think that Kerry is the greatest guy ever.

It'd just be asking too much to ask for Jesus Christ to run against Bush.

I mean, I like Kerry. But he is a politician first and a man second. Anyone who's going to be running for office is going to have to be one. Hell, look at how Nader's hubris got in his own way.

Side note--do Republicans ever blame Ross Perot for Bill Clinton?

ANY DANG WAY, when you take on the responsibility of voting, that means you actually have to look at the issues and where the candidates seem to land on them. You can't just say, "well, they're both corrupt."


People who don't vote as a political statement...I mean, I understand the frustration.

But really, they're just being lazy douchebags.

posted by Rob on 1:31 PM | link
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[ Monday, October 18, 2004 ]

Here's the first version of the web poster for my next full length play, Welcome To The Terrordome:

For the two of you that have been reading this from the beginning, you may remember this as being the show I wrote the first draft of over a Christmas vacation--less than one week.

The skinny so far is, it's not going to be for Broom Street (although I am still doing Sledgehammer Party)

Also, I'm not directing this one. It is being directed by the lovely and talented Kathy Lynn Sliter, who, in addition to saving my life, is just simply a much better director than me.

She and I were workshopping this earlier this year with the cast: Molly Vanderlin, Casey Grimm, Amy Sawyers, and R. Peter Hunt. We're looking at Spring of 2005, at the Kanopy Dance Company, which is where Kathy staged the wonderful show Squirrels, which was a night of short plays by Don Nigro.

Terrordome is a thriller in real-time, about a woman abducted by three teenagers, and it's one of the most intense things I've written. There's a raw feel to it--mainly because it totally poured out of me.

More on this as it happens.

In other news, Smith And Kraus have asked to publish another of my monologues, this time in their next edition of 222 Short Monologues For Men.

Annnnnnnnnnd, I don't want to say much about it yet, because nothing's set in stone yet, but let's just say that I may have another theatre-related reason to visit the East Coast next year.

Why, you may ask?

I'll give you a hint for now:

Stabby stabby.

posted by Rob on 1:05 AM | link
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[ Friday, October 01, 2004 ]

I haven't seen the entirety of the debate (I was out hanging with littleevening, fountainal, and groucho_z), and haven't read the full transcript yet, but I did see some video on it, and I'm getting a copy of the tape from a friend.

One thought I had today was that as good as Kerry was, I have the sickening feeling that most Bush supporters saw that and said "why's Kerry being so MEAN?!?" To quote Roger Ebert, most of Bush's supporters don't seem to find anything wrong with the way he conducts himself--moreover, they're basically cool with it.

All that said, it was starling to see Kerry say what a lot of us have been saying for years, and right in front of Bush--who many times, seemed like this was the first he was hearing of anyone disagreeing with his viewpoint.

Anyway, many smarter and less tired than I will be commenting on the debate in the future, I'm sure. But I will say that from what I've read and seen, that Kerry held strong, stayed focused, and in a classy move, did not take the bait when being accused of flip-flopping. The closest he came was with this rather sly quote (emphasis mine):

"First of all, he made the misjudgment of saying to America that he was going to build a true alliance, that he would exhaust the remedies of the United Nations and go through the inspections.

In fact, he first didn't even want to do that. And it wasn't until former Secretary of State Jim Baker and General Scowcroft and others pushed publicly and said you've got to go to the U.N., that the president finally changed his mind -- his campaign has a word for that -- and went to the United Nations."

Bush countered with this fucking classic TV moment:

"It's the hardest decision a president makes. So I went to the United Nations. I didn't need anybody to tell me to go to the United Nations. I decided to go there myself."

It was at this point that I quoted Chris Rock and screamed: "ASSHOLE, YOU'RE S'POSED TO!!!!"

In other news, I I noticed today that Ebert has changed the entire look of his page, and if you go to "browse ebert's little movie glossary, " the first entry that comes up is one of mine.

I'm becoming a regular underground success on this here internet.

posted by Rob on 10:31 PM | link
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