Friday, December 07, 2007

Hey howdy hey!

One of the podcasts I listen to, BrassRingWriting Playwriting Podcast, not only mentioned an email I sent in, not only basically based the episode around a topic I brought up in that email, but also plugged this blog, which made me say:

Yeep. I'd probably better update my blog, huh?

So, lots of stuff to report, actually.

First: I won National Novel Writing Month again. I wrote another mystery with Anthony Phillip Grover, a.k.a. Tony Bompicelli, a.k.a. Tony The Bomb, in his life in the Witness Protection Program, this time working with Jilly O'Halloran, a fiesty female cop, trying to solve a mystery so complicated--they don't even know for sure if a crime has been committed...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

(By the way, if you're interested in reading this, or the first Tony The Bomb mystery, Knock Knock, then shoot me an email.)

In other news, I am still editing MASSACRE (the musical). All that "coming this Halloween" stuff was a bunch of tree-huggin' hippie crap, so we're aiming for the end of the month (which is our deadline for getting it to several of the contests we want to submit it to).

In the meantime, here's the longer, cooler trailer:

While we're talking about videos I'm responsible for, here's another one that I wrote and directed, which is a prequel to the "Disarming" series of plays I wrote for Mercury Players' Short Shorts. (If you have seen them, don't worry, you don't have to have seen them to watch this).

It's called "Two Girl Minimum," and features Emily Mills, reprising her role as Kidder, Kelly Kiorpes, reprising her role as Maggie The Meth Head from "Complicated," and myself, reprising my role as Reeve. Most of the female cast of MASSACRE managed to slip into this as well.

Oh, and I'm told it's NSFW, mainly because of all the gunfire, and a shot of two girls making out. So, um, be warned:

And for those of you fans of Chad Vader, as well as things that I briefly appear in or provide guns for, Matt Sloan and Aaron Yonda have just put a new video up on Super Deluxe, called CSI: North Pole.

Also, I'm in another Mercury Players show coming up, called The Pillowman, which'll be running at the Bartell Theater from January 18 through February 2, 2008.

So, it's actually been kind of a busy end of the year for me. Ah, what can the future hold? Will 2008 be bad, or just plain awesome?

Tune in next year...and we'll find out...together.

(Sometimes I have genuine trouble finishing these blogs.)

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