'Plaint of the Playwright

'Plaint of the Playwright

[ Saturday, November 04, 2006 ]

AUGUSTINA: We can do anything you want, Ben. Okay?

BEN: Good.

AUGUSTINA: Nothing has to happen.

BEN: Excellent.

AUGUSTINA: No pressure.

BEN: No pressure.

AUGUSTINA: We're gonna have fun, Ben.

BEN: I hope so.

900 by Rob Matsushita

At 11:11 pm, the conversation begins. Augustina is a phone sex operator. Ben is a caller.

One game. Two players. They'll either both win...

Or they'll both lose.

900 is a love story in real time--the play ends when the call ends.


AUGUSTINA: When I was a little girl, and I used to go out with my mom shopping, she always used to stop at the used book store and get me one of those digest books, like the Best Of Marvel books. And the first one I got was a Fantastic Four one. She'd shop, and I'd read. I'd just read my Fantastic Four comic book, and I'd feel safe.

BEN: Did you not always feel safe?

AUGUSTINA: Um...we kinda...I hate to do this to you, but...we kinda have to stop talking about me.

BEN: ...I understand.

AUGUSTINA : Is that okay that I said that?

BEN: No, I get it, I, uh, yeah, it's cool. We're cool.


The staged reading of 900 will be at the Mercury Lounge at 117 E Mifflin Street (right next to the Bartell Theater) at 8:00 pm on November 7th (election day!).

Admission is FREE.

900 will be performed by Damon Butler, Kelly Kiorpes, and by director Kathy Lynn Sliter who will be reading stage directions.

Though 900 is just a reading, it contains adult content and is not suitable for younger audiences.


BEN: So the future of the whole human race hinges on girly feelings and unprotected drunk sex?

AUGUSTINA: Oh, like that's a big shocker.


One night only. This performance will be audio recorded.

Oh, and seriously, VOTE. We will ask you if you did.

Hope to see you there.

posted by Rob on 10:00 AM | link
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